Funder Opportunities

Support the 2023 Peregrine Accelerator project teams

Support the 2023 Peregrine Accelerator Cohort

Earlier this year, the Peregrine Accelerator program provided $10,000 seed grants to each of nine project teams in its inaugural cohort after a highly competitive, multi-stage evaluation and selection process by which the Center identified the proposals with the greatest potential to both benefit from the Accelerator process and to ultimately realize impact in the Rio Grande/Rio Bravo River basin. Each team has demonstrated it is deserving of ongoing financial support. While the Center cannot provide implementation funding to all nine teams, we are committed to ensuring that as many as possible are positioned for future success, with your help.  

The teams are now receiving tailored mentorship, training, and feedback that will continue over the next six months. At the conclusion of the Accelerator, each team will have developed an actionable implementation plan for its proposed innovation, and a presentation event in the fall will offer teams the opportunity to receive one of several implementation grant awards.  

During the final presentation event, funders and Salazar Center partners will have the opportunity to hear each team’s final implementation plan, with an emphasis on long-term project success and impact over time. A panel of expert evaluators will then assess each presentation and, on behalf of the Center, select teams to receive implementation funding, up to $100,000 per award.  

There are three avenues available to support the Peregrine Accelerator project teams: 

  1. Contribute to the Peregrine Accelerator
    The Salazar Center will re-grant your funding on your behalf based on the evaluation criteria and feedback provided by the final evaluator panel.
  2. Provide an Implementation Award
    Attend the final presentation event with a commitment to support at least one of the nine participating teams.

  3. Build a Relationship
    Attend the final presentation event with the intention of building a longer-term relationship with at least one of the teams. 

Please contact Catie Boehmer to receive more information about the final presentation event and ways to support this and future Accelerator cohorts.  


Program Sponsors & Partners

The Center would like to express its gratitude to the following sponsors for their continued support: 


Institute for Entrepreneurship Colorado State University logoBorderlands Restoration Network logoCollege of Business Colorado State University logoPro Natura Noreste logoAdmas State University Colorado Salazar Rio Grande del Norte Center logoTrinchera Blanca Foundation logoTexan Nature logoThe VF FoundationThe Nature Conservancy logoWWF logo